Sustainability insights

Our expert views, analysis and thought leadership on sustainability and the transition to net zero

The wind farm is located on a hilltop in South Lanarkshire

Latest insights

Two men in suits walking forwards.

In the Field: Sustainable Ventures

What is next for the UK’s climate tech ecosystem? Andrew Wordsworth, CEO and co-founder of Sustainable Ventures, shares how his business is scaling to meet the needs of a burgeoning sector and gives his 2025 outlook.

Daniel Hanna

COP29: Reflections from ‘The Finance COP’

COP29 saw developed nations commit to mobilising $300 billion annually by 2035 to support climate mitigation and adaptation. However, the private sector’s role was equally emphasised, as public funding alone is insufficient to meet the scale of investment needed.

Two men in orange high vis jackets. One is holding a bottle of water and there is a HPU in the background.

In the Field: GeoPura

Barclays’ Steven Poulter gets a taste of GeoPura’s success on a visit to their Hydrogen Power Unit production facility in Newcastle, as their CEO, Andrew Cunningham, shares his outlook on the UK’s hydrogen sector and the power of partnerships.

A row of terraced houses with a city skyline in the background.

Boosting the energy efficiency of UK homes

UK homes account for 15% of all national carbon emissions. Barclays sets out five recommendations to help the Government address the structural and behavioural challenges hindering efforts to accelerate progress in making homes more energy efficient.

Two large white tanks within a hydrogen plant.

Turning the UK’s hydrogen ambitions into a reality

Barclays makes policy recommendations to UK government to support the scaling of private finance to deliver a pragmatic approach to clean hydrogen.

sunshine and sunrays in the woods

COP16 – expert view: the role of private finance

Following COP16, Isabelle Millat, Head of Sustainable Finance Global Markets & Barclays Europe, shares her insights into the role of private finance in helping to support National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans.

sparks flying

Transition finance: leading from the front

Barclays details key areas of focus for the UK Government to create the most successful environment for transition finance, critical to global decarbonisation.


Creating new nature markets that work for farmers: The opportunity of biodiversity net gain

Barclays makes policy recommendations to UK Government to encourage farmer participation in UK nature markets.  

Portrait of C.S. Venkatakrishnan, Group Chief Executive

A systemic transition to net zero can power UK economic growth 

C.S. Venkatakrishnan shares his thoughts on how to accelerate decarbonisation in the UK to catalyse investment and drive economic growth.


Making the UK a global hub for climate tech

Barclays details four key recommendations to help the new UK Government unlock financing critical to scaling next generation climate tech companies.


Transition Finance – the backbone of the energy transition

Daniel Hanna, Group Head of Sustainable & Transition Finance, shares his insights on the role of transition finance in helping to maintain energy security while supporting an evolving energy sector.

Green trees surroudning a skyscraper skiyline

The natural choice to help reach net zero

Cindy Quan, Global Co-Head of the Sustainable Banking Group, considers the potential of nature-based solutions to help companies achieve their 2030 sustainability targets.

Book on library shelves.

Sustainability explained

Sustainability explained is your go-to source to demystify the terminology and phrases you might come across on Sustainability insights.

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Barclays Climate Tech

The Barclays Climate Tech podcast

The Barclays Climate Tech podcast is the ultimate guide to taking a climate tech company from idea to IPO.

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The wind farm is located on a hilltop in South Lanarkshire

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