Share price and calculator
Share price chart
View a share price chart of Barclays ORD and ADR securities and compare this to our peer group. Select from the list of our peer group to compare share price trends over a selected time period.
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“Barclays” refers to any company in the Barclays PLC group of companies. Not all products or services are available to US residents and or citizens.
Share price calculator
Calculate the value of your Barclays shares based on the current share price. Use the Barclays share price calculators to calculate the current value of your holding, as well as its change in value over time. You can also look up historical share price data.
There might be a short delay while the share price calculator loads correctly.
“Barclays” refers to any company in the Barclays PLC group of companies. Not all products or services are available to US residents and or citizens.