Personal customer support
We are here to help you manage your money, and are constantly looking at ways to make things easier.
New support includes:
To help during this time, we’re t/content/barclaysuk/en/personal/money-management/managing-money-problems.htmlemporarily capping overdraft interest charges on personal current accounts at £180 per monthly charging period until further notice.
We’ve put together a range of guides to support you, and help you manage your finances and improve your financial habits.
During 2020 we:
- Didn’t charge any interest on overdrawn balances on personal current accounts from 27 March to 30 April 2020.
- Between 1 May and 9 July 2020, we didn’t charge interest on overdrawn balances of up to £750.
- From 10 July to 10 August, we didn’t charge interest on overdrawn balances of up to £500.
- If, during those times, you used more of your arranged overdraft than the amounts above, we waived some of the interest to reduce the annual rate of interest (EAR) to 19.51%.
From the 31 March 2021 you can only ask for support if you’re already receiving temporary mortgage support.
Any temporary mortgage support we offer after 31 March will stop on 31 July, even if you haven’t received the maximum of six months.
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves, we’re here to help you manage your money – in whatever way we can.
We can offer payment holidays on your Barclaycard and if your Barclaycard payment holiday is coming to an end, there are a number of different scenarios you could be facing. We have a range of support that can help you take the next steps.