My Hispanic Heritage Month is about...
15 September 2023
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the US, we asked members from Barclays' Latin Professionals Resource Group to share what this month means to them.
My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Familia (Family)
Hispanic Heritage Month, for me, is an opportunity to celebrate the beautiful culture and vibrant history of Latinx people in the US and to be appreciative of all those who sacrificed for us to have a better life (especially my parents).
Carlos Salcedo, Managing Director, Head of US Synthetics Sales

My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Pasión (Passion)
Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to reflect on what being Latin means to me. I believe that we all have unique gifts that shine in the environments we are in, and that are appreciated by those around us. I come with a set of values imprinted in me since my youth – mostly to respect everyone and have a strong sense of family and connection. These have become the bedrock for the way I operate in life. Further, it’s a time to celebrate and learn more about the diverse cultures within the Latin communities we are a part of.
Patricia Borges, Vice President, Corporate Real Estate Services and Location Strategy
My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Contribución (Contribution)
It represents a time to reflect on, celebrate and share our Latin culture with others, highlighting the contributions we make at work, in our community and country.
Adriana Arango, Vice President, US Collateralised Debt Obligation Lead

My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Celebración (Celebration)
Hispanic Heritage Month to me means celebrating the Hispanic communities that have come together outside of our home countries. It means celebrating our history and the struggles we’ve overcome. It also means finding the best empanada in the city on 18 September, Chile’s national holiday.
Sofia Schmidt, Analyst, Campus Recruiter

My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Comunidad (Community)
Hispanic Heritage Month is a cultural celebration of who I am. During this month, the world learns about all the contributions, struggles and advances Hispanic people have made throughout history. As a first-generation American, I carefully treasure the culture, values and sacrifices inherited from my beloved parents. Cultural community, enduring loyalty, and profound respect – these extraordinary things are crucial to my fundamental character, and I directly attribute them to growing up in a large Dominican household.
As an Afro-Latina, I was taught that I was different in a magnificent way. I am a descendant of West African, Spanish and indigenous Taíno peoples. My favourite pastimes include sharing my Hispanic culture with family and friends, with rhythmic music, delicious food and joyous celebrations. Being Hispanic for me consists of community, a shared history and nationalities representing my ancestors ‘con orgullo’ (with pride) for Hispanic Heritage Month.
Julissa Brenes, Analyst, Human Resources, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Empatía (Empathy)
Hispanic Heritage Month for me is about reflection and gratitude. It’s a yearly reminder of the hardships my dad endured as young immigrant in order to forge a better future for his family in this land; the sacrifices my mother made to raise my two brothers and I, while instilling sound moral values; empathy towards those less fortunate; and gratitude towards the Lord for what we have each and every day. It’s a month in which I devote time to teach my children about the positive impact Latinos have in the US. I am a proud Latina woman!
Sohenny Diaz, Vice President, Regulatory Issues Management, Regional Lead

My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Orgullo (Pride)
Hispanic Heritage Month reminds me to pause from everyday routines to reflect on my heritage. Being Puerto Rican to me means that I come from a strong line of Taíno and African ancestors. The island of Puerto Rico is filled with beauty, love, music, community, innovation and pride – I carry this with me in all that I do in my personal life and at work. The month also allows for moments to share all of the contributions our people have made, here in the US and around the world, with others.
Gloria Walker, Regional Workplace Experience Manager

My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Integridad (Integrity)
This month is very special to me because it offers an important opportunity to reflect and to share the rich history, culture, influence and integration of Latinx people around the world.
Gustavo Abreu, Director, Head of Front Office Risk and Controls Technology
My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Perseverancia (Perseverance)
Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate and recognise the achievements of Hispanic Americans. Personally, my parents and I left our immediate family in order to journey through the US and contribute to another home. I will always be grateful to them for their courage to forge ahead in a new country and for providing me with opportunity. Gracias, mis queridos papis (thank you, my dear parents).
Paula Diaz, Assistant Vice President, GTIS Workplace and Collaboration

My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Raíces (Roots)
Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to reflect and celebrate the history, cultures, contributions and accomplishments made by the various Hispanic communities in the US. For me as a Puerto Rican, it is a time to reflect on my Taíno roots and the beauty of the island of Puerto Rico. It is a time to show how our people have influenced and contributed to US society.
Diana Rodriguez, Vice President, Securities Settlements US
My Hispanic Heritage Month is about... Trascender (Transcend)
It means a month to honour our roots and come together as a community to celebrate the richness of our culture and recognise our contributions to the US.
Laura Gonzalez, Analyst, Prime Services