
Index products

Index products such as the Women in Leadership Index (WIL) and the Return on Disability Index (RODI) provide our clients with the opportunity to align their investments with their values

The WIL was created with the support of Barclays Social Innovation Facility, which incubates products and services with a defined social impact.

The ETN prospectus can be found on EDGAR, the SEC website, at www.sec.gov.

Barclays ETNs are senior, unsecured, unsubordinated debt securities issued by Barclays Bank PLC. Barclays Bank PLC is the issuer of Barclays ETNs and Barclays Capital Inc. is the issuer’s agent.

  • Women in Leadership Index

    The Barclays Women in Leadership Exchange Traded Note (“ETNs”) on the NYSE Arca Exchange under the ticker symbol WIL are an industry first. The ETN was launched in July 2014, so that investors can support the move towards gender equality in management positions in major US companies.

    The ETNs, which track the Barclays Women in Leadership Total Return Index, are designed to provide investors with exposure to US companies with gender-diverse executive leadership and governance. Research shows that companies with more gender-diverse leadership may exhibit strong corporate performance relative to those with less.

    To be included in the Index, which uses data compiled by Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., a company must, among other things, have a female CEO and/or at least 25% female members on the board of directors. The universe of stocks from which the Index selects eligible stocks for inclusion consists of stocks of all U.S.-based issuers listed on New York Stock Exchange or The NASDAQ Stock Market.

  • Return on Disability Index

    The Barclays Return on Disability Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) began trading in September 2014 on the NYSE Arca Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol RODI.

    The ETNs are linked to the performance of the Return on Disability US LargeCap ETN Total Return USD Index ('the Index') and are designed to provide investors with exposure to US-based companies that have acted to attract and serve people with disabilities – and their friends and family – as customers and employees. The Index uses a quantitative ranking methodology to measure a company’s publicly observable activities relating to people with disabilities across three key areas: talent, customer and productivity. This ranking methodology focuses on elements that have the potential to increase shareholder value in a company, such as using best practices for attracting and hiring candidates with disabilities, focusing on ‘ease of use’ features in products and services, and implementing productivity-focused process improvements driven by people with disabilities.

    The Index notionally tracks the returns that may be available from investing in a basket of up to 100 stocks that are selected pursuant to the Return on Disability® Binary Ranking, created by The Return on Disability Group (an affiliate of the Donovan Group LLC), and meet certain market capitalisation, trading volume and financial viability thresholds. Donovan Group LLC is the index sponsor.