Auditor independence
In order to safeguard the auditor’s independence and objectivity, Barclays has in place the Group Policy on the Provision of Services by the Group Statutory Auditor (the Policy) setting out the circumstances in which the auditor may be engaged to provide non-audit services.
The Policy applies to all Barclays subsidiaries and other material entities over which Barclays has significant influence. The core principle of the Policy is that non-audit services (other than those legally required to be carried out by the Group’s auditor) should be performed by the auditor only in certain controlled circumstances.
The Policy sets out the type of services that the auditor is permitted to carry out and pre-approves certain of these services provided the fee is below a certain threshold, except for specific categories of permitted services that require explicit Board Audit Committee approval. All other permitted services must be approved in advance by the Board Audit Committee. The Policy requires that all proposed work must be sponsored by a senior executive who is not involved in any work to which the proposed engagement relates. The audit assignment partner must also confirm that the engagement has been approved in accordance with the auditor’s own internal ethical standards and does not pose any threat to the auditor’s independence or objectivity.
The Policy is reviewed by the Board Audit Committee on an annual basis to ensure that it is fit for purpose and that it reflects applicable rules and guidelines. The Policy is aligned with both the FRC’s requirements and KPMG’s own internal policy on non-audit services for FTSE 350 companies, which broadly restricts non-audit work to services that are ‘closely related’ to the audit.