Julia Wilson
Independent Non-Executive Director
The Board is empowered through its Articles of Association to delegate all or any of its powers, authorities and discretions to any committee or committees as it thinks fit. The principal Board Committees are the Board Audit Committee, the Board Risk Committee, the Board Nominations Committee, the Board Remuneration Committee and the Board Sustainability Committee.
The Board has defined the roles and objectives of each of the Board Committees, and provided specific levels of discretion within which they can operate.
The Chair of each Board Committee reports to the Board on the matters discussed at Committee meetings.
Review and monitor, among other things
Committee Chair: Julia Wilson
Responsibilities and requirements of the Chair are set out in The Charter of Expectations (PDF 264KB)
Committee member profiles
Independent Non-Executive Director
Independent Non-Executive Director
Independent Non-Executive Director
Committee Chair: Nigel Higgins
Responsibilities and requirements of the Chair are set out in The Charter of Expectations (PDF 264KB)
Committee member profiles
Committee Chair: Brian Gilvary
Responsibilities and requirements of the Chair are set out in The Charter of Expectations (PDF 264KB)
Committee member profiles
Review, on behalf of the Board, management’s recommendations on the principal risks as set out in the Group’s Enterprise Risk Management Framework (ERMF) with the exception of Reputation Risk which is a matter reserved to the Board, and in particular:
The Committee’s oversight responsibilities with regard to operational risk cover the financial and capital implications of operational risk. The Board Audit Committee has oversight of the internal control aspects of operational risk. The Board Remuneration Committee has oversight of the remuneration aspects of conduct matters. The Committee may, at the discretion of the Chairman, refer any matters with material and/or strategic risk considerations to the Board.
Committee Chair: Robert Berry
Responsibilities and requirements of the Chair are set out in The Charter of Expectations (PDF 264KB)
The role of the Board Sustainability Committee is to provide ongoing oversight of climate matters and the sustainability agenda.
The Committee shall, among other things:
Committee Chair: Nigel Higgins