Find answers to frequently asked questions about your Barclays shareholding, including how to update your personal details, information about buying and selling shares, advice on dividends, and help with our share tools and services
If the answer to your question is not listed on this page you can refer to the help guide at Equiniti's website. Alternatively, please contact Equiniti using the contact details below.
Aspect House
Spencer Road
BN99 6DA
0371 384 2055 (In the UK)
+44 (0)121 415 7004 (Outside the UK)
Lines open 8:30am to 5:30pm UK time, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays in England and Wales
Updating personal information
If you have a Shareview Portfolio access number and password, you can change your bank details online. Please log in and click on 'Change mandate'.
If you hold 2,500 shares or fewer, you can now change your bank details quickly and easily over the telephone by contacting Equiniti.
If you hold more than 2,500 shares, you can download a Bank Mandate Form (PDF 99KB) and return it to Equiniti.
If you have a Shareview Portfolio access number and password, you can change your address online. Please log in and select 'Change address'.
If you hold 2,500 shares or fewer, you can now change your address quickly and easily over the telephone by contacting Equiniti.
If you hold more than 2,500 shares, you can download the Change of Address Form (PDF 35KB) and send your updated address to Equiniti, together with a copy of your share certificate, Annual Sharestore Statement, or your most recent dividend confirmation/tax voucher.
To change your name on Barclays' records, please send documents confirming this change (for example, your marriage certificate or change of name deed) to Equiniti.
To transfer ordinary shares held by share certificate, please download and complete a Stock Transfer Form (PDF 254KB) and return it to Equiniti.
You should contact Equiniti and ask for a replacement. You will be sent a letter of indemnity to sign and return. A new certificate will then be sent to you. Please note, there is a charge for this service.
You should write to Equiniti, sending a certified copy of the death certificate, together with the original Grant of Probate (or a sealed office copy), or the Letters of Administration.
Alternatively, you can call Equiniti, to report the death of a shareholder and speak with an agent directly to discuss the steps required.
The name(s) of the deceased person(s) personal representative(s) will be put on the share register while the estate is finalised. Equiniti will then place a temporary marker on the register to ensure that wherever possible, they do not issue further dividend payments or other correspondence in the shareholder's name. They will also send you the forms you need to complete.
The half year dividend for the year ending 31 December 2022 was paid on Friday 16 September 2022 to shareholders holding shares on the register on Friday 12 August 2022.
The full year dividend for the year ending 31 December 2022 was paid on Friday 31 March 2023to shareholders holding shares on the register on Friday 24 February 2023.
Yes. If you have a Shareview Portfolio access number and password, you can update your bank details online. Please log in here and click on Change mandate.
If you hold 2,500 shares or less, you can now provide your bank details quickly and easily over the telephone by contacting Equiniti.
If you hold more than 2,500 shares you can download a mandate form from www.shareview.co.uk or by calling the shareholder helpline 0371 384 2055.
Please ensure you follow the instructions on the form carefully and then post this to:
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
United Kingdom. -
Barclays offers a share alternative in the form of a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) for those shareholders who wish to elect to use their dividend payments to purchase additional ordinary shares, rather than receive a cash payment. The DRIP is provided and administered by Barclays’ registrar, Equiniti. Further details regarding the DRIP can be found at www.shareview.co.uk/info/drip.
The Application Form can be found at www.shareview.co.uk/info/drip. When you take part in the DRIP, Equiniti Financial Services will use your cash dividend to purchase Barclays shares. These shares will be purchased on or as soon as practicable after the dividend payment date. The fees and charges for the DRIP are set out in the Invitation Booklet (PDF 459KB).
Barclays issues a consolidated dividend confirmation for the financial year in March/April to shareholders who have their dividends paid directly into a bank or building society account.
Shareholders who receive a dividend cheque posted to their registered address receive a dividend confirmation with each payment.
Equiniti’s website provides information to help answer most common queries and links to useful forms: www.shareview.co.uk/info/drip. You can also contact Equiniti at:
By post:
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
UKBy telephone:
+44 (0)371 384 2055 (please use the country code when calling from outside the UK).
Lines open from 8.30am to 5.30pm (UK time), Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in England and Wales).Equiniti may record calls in order to monitor the quality of its service and for security purposes.
Qualifying US and Canadian resident ADR holders should contact Shareowner Services for further details regarding the dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP).
Rights Issue
A Rights Issue is a way for a company to raise capital. We gave our existing shareholders a right to buy further Ordinary Shares in proportion to their existing shareholding.
On Thursday, 20 June 2013, the Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) announced the results of its review of the capital adequacy of major UK banks and building societies. As part of the review, the PRA introduced a minimum 3% leverage ratio target. Following discussions with the PRA, we submitted a Leverage Plan to achieve the target by 30 June 2014. Raising additional capital through a Rights Issue was part of the Leverage Plan, and we announced on Tuesday, 30 July 2013 our intention to raise approximately £5.8bn (net of expenses) by way of a Rights Issue.
More information about the background to the Rights Issue can be found in the Prospectus.
The Rights Issue was an offer to Qualifying Shareholders to subscribe for one New Ordinary Share, at an issue price of 185 pence, for every four Existing Ordinary Shares held as at the close of business on Friday, 13 September 2013, which was the Record Date.
The Rights Issue officially launched on Monday, 16 September 2013 and we published an announcement to the market that morning. Documents were sent to shareholders on Tuesday, 17 September and Wednesday, 18 September 2013.
The Rights Issue closed at 23:59 (UK time) on Wednesday, 2 October 2013.
We made arrangements to find investors to subscribe to the new Barclays shares that a shareholder’s Rights entitled them to buy, together with other shareholders who did not take up their Rights. On Friday, 4 October 2013, we announced that we had found investors who had agreed to pay a net premium above the issue price (82.598 pence per Right).
IRS Form 8937 – ‘Report of Organizational Actions Affecting Basis of Securities’ is being made available by Barclays PLC following the 2013 rights issue pursuant to US Internal Revenue Code section 6045B which requires issuers to report certain organisational actions that affect the US tax basis of securities in the hands of shareholders and additional information about the effect on basis.
The issue price per ADS was US$12.004280. This was determined by Barclays to be the US dollar equivalent of four times the ordinary share subscription price of 185 pence per New Ordinary Share on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (one ADS is the equivalent to four Barclays Ordinary Shares). We determined the actual US dollar ADS subscription price from pounds into US dollars at a rate of US$1.6222 per pound sterling (the spot rate as published by Bloomberg at 12:00 (New York City time) on Wednesday, 2 October 2013).
A payment of US$5.288797 per ADS Right was for paid for ADS Rights that were unexercised and lapsed. Read the Market Announcement.
Further information
If you have any further questions about the Rights Issue, please contact Equiniti using the contact details above.
If you are an ADS holder, please refer to the Barclays PLC page on the ADR website.
If you hold ADSs in registered form through the Depositary, you may contact the J.P. Morgan ADS call centre on +1 800 990 1135 (from outside the US, +1 651 453 2128). If you hold ADSs through a broker, please direct your inquiry to your broker.