Supporting our communities across Europe
Barclays’ COVID-19 Community Aid Package donations are deployed through partnerships with trusted charities, and to date, more than 370 charity partners around the world have been supported by Barclays to deliver vital relief efforts to people most in need.
In Europe, we’ve supported charities active in Spain, France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Italy, Isreal, Luxumberg, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Monaco and Ireland who provided vital care during the pandemic. This includes Banco de Alimentos de Madrid in Spain who delivered a daily meal to 90,000 people in need, and Pieta in Ireland who enabled 52,000 hours of suicide intervention and counselling.
We hear from some of our charity partners in Europe about the difference they are making through support from Barclays.
Focus Ireland
Our partnership has enabled Focus Ireland to provide caseworker support to over 110 vulnerable families experiencing or at risk of homelessness, and contributed towards 82,000 meals served through Focus Ireland’s Coffee Shop services.
Banco Alimentare della Lombardia, Italy
Our partnership has helped Banco Alimentare della Lombardia, Italy, to distribute 3.8 million meals to meet the increased demand for food, and support one in four local people living in poverty in the Lombardy region of Italy in 2020.
Find out more about our partnership with Banco Alimentare della Lombardia (page 13) (PDF 10MB)
Charity partnerships in Europe
Across Europe, we’re working with selected charity partners that are providing critical COVID-19 relief in the communities where Barclays has a presence. Our donations are supporting these trusted partners, who are already mobilised on the ground, to provide help to vulnerable people impacted by the crisis and to those on the frontline of the response.
Age Action, Ireland
Our partnership is enabling Age Action, Ireland, to help older people to remain safe in their homes, and stay connected with family, friends and emergency services.
Armáda spásy v Ceské republice, Czech Republic
Our partnership is helping Armáda spásy V Ceské republice, Czech Republic, to continue to provide shelter, food, and essential care for over 2,900 homeless people across the country.
Banco de Alimentos de Madrid, Spain
Our partnership has helped Banco de Alimentos de Madrid, Spain, to continue to provide a daily meal to 190,000 people in need, including 9,000 infants.
Banco Alimentar contra a Fome, Portugal
Our partnership has enabled Banco Alimentar contra a Fome, Portugal, to collaborate with 400 charities to distribute food aid to more than 90,000 people.
Barnardos Ireland
Our partnership has helped Barnardos Ireland, to provide nearly 6,500 food parcels and just under 10,000 hot meals to vulnerable children and their families to help them cope during this challenging time.
Basiliade, France
Our partnership has helped Basiliade, France, to house over 100 homeless women and over 150 young children and provide food supplies to over 350 vulnerable people, particularly those affected by HIV or AIDS.
Cáritas Diocesana de Madrid, Spain
Our partnership had enabled Cáritas Diocesana de Madrid, Spain, to provide food, rent and basic necessities to over 70 families who have been particularly affected by the pandemic.
Caritas Schweiz, Switzerland
Our partnership is supporting Caritas Schweiz, Switzerland, to continue to support people experiencing poverty across the country with direct aid, counselling and social inclusion.
Croix-Rouge Monégasque, Monaco
Our partnership has enabled Croix-Rouge Monégasque, Monaco, to provide essential services for vulnerable people impacted by the crisis, including funding their utility bills, contributing to their rent, and providing food parcels.
Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise, Luxembourg
Our partnership has helped Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise, Luxembourg, to support those most affected by the economic and social crisis, including helping over 250 additional families with groceries for six months and housing 12 young refugees for a year.
Dessine-Moi Un Mouton, France
Our partnership is helping Dessine-Moi Un Mouton, France, to distribute over 3,340 meals to vulnerable people and provide 19 laptops to disadvantaged young people so they can continue their education.
Diakonie Hessen, Germany
Our partnership has enabled Diakonie Hessen, Germany, to provide essential services to vulnerable people including vouchers to cover food and healthcare costs, plus 250 sleeping bags for those with no access to homeless shelters during the pandemic.
Die Arche, Germany
Our partnership has helped Die Arche, Germany, to distribute food packages to over 300 disadvantaged families, and give food and educational support to over 1,100 children across Hamburg.
Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis, The Netherlands
Our partnership is helping Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis, The Netherlands, to provide essential services to more than 460,000 people in need across the country, including food, shelter and psychosocial support.
Leket Israel
Our partnership has helped Leket Israel to provide meals to over 11,000 people and direct surplus food across the country to the most vulnerable.
Pieta, Ireland
Our partnership is helping Pieta, Ireland, to provide over 52,000 hours of suicide intervention and counselling to those in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm.
Opera San Francesco per I Poveri, Italy
Our partnership is helping Opera San Francesco per I Poveri, Italy, to provide basic necessities to vulnerable individuals including packed lunches for 1,800 people a day for a month, and hot meals served from the charity’s soup kitchen.
Women’s Spirit, Israel
Our partnership is helping Women’s Spirit, Israel, to mobilise a network of more than 200 volunteers to provide one-on-one support for women survivors of violence.