UK complaints data
Our priority is to deliver excellent service every time a customer interacts with us. However, when we do make a mistake, we make every effort to try and rectify it as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t happen again in the future.
Our approach
This site provides an overview of the number of reportable complaints Barclays has received since 2010 and highlights how we are continuing to drive down complaints by improving the overall experience our customers and clients have.
What We Publish
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), requires financial services firms to report on the number of reportable customer complaints they receive every six months.
From 30 June 2016, the FCA introduced changes to what and how firms are required to report complaints:
- Previously the FCA did not require firms to report complaints that were resolved before close of business on the following day. For example we would not report a complaint received on Tuesday if we agreed a resolution with the customer by the end of Wednesday. Now firms are required to report all complaints, regardless of when they are resolved. This will mean that our complaint volumes will look higher than they did in previous years
- Previously we were required to report total volumes under each category of complaint. Now the FCA has asked us to also show these figures in context of the number of accounts.
We believe that the effect of these changes will increase the visibility of all complaints across the industry, help improve transparency and rebuild trust in financial services firms. The changes will also help customers to compare firms on a more equal basis.
H1 2024 data
H2 2023 data
The following definitions have been used in the assembling of this data.
The number of complaints per 1,000 accounts or insurance policies a firm maintains for customers at reporting period end date (1st January 2024 to 30th June 2024)
The number of complaints per 1,000 sales, or transactions for customers with reporting period (1st January 2024 to 30th June 2024)
Number of Complaints Opened
This includes all complaints received during the reporting period of (1st January 2024 to 30th June 2024)
Number of Complaints Closed
A complaint is deemed closed once Barclays has sent a final decision letter or the customer has indicated that they accept our response.
Complaints closed within 3 days (%)
A complaint is deemed closed within 3 days once Barclays has sent a summary resolution communication letter or the customer has indicated that they accept our response within 3 days of receiving the complaint.
Complaints closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks (%)
A complaint is deemed closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks where Barclays has sent a final decision letter or the customer has indicated that they accept our response within this specific period of receiving the complaint.
Complaints Upheld by Firm
A complaint is deemed ‘upheld’ where Barclays agreed with the customer that their complaint was justified, either in whole or in part. We may have offered redress, where appropriate.
Categories of Banking Services and Products
The FCA has six Categories of Banking Services and Products which firms are required to report against. Some examples of what is included within each of these categories can be found below:
- Banking and Credit Cards: Current accounts, savings accounts, cash and debit cards, credit cards;
- Home Finance: House mortgages, home income plans, home purchase plans;
- Insurance and Pure Protection: Property insurance, travel insurance, medical insurance, payment protection insurance (PPI);
- Decumulation and Pensions: Annuities, pension plans. Decumulation describes a process to realise assets (such as shares) into an income stream, often during retirement;
- Investments: Share dealings, unit trusts, ISAs, derivatives.
- Credit related: Hire purchase, Debt purchasing, Home credit.
Data included in the above tables refers to complaints both received and closed between 1st January 2024 to 30th June 2024 inclusive.
Next Publication Date:
H2 2024.: 28th February 2025 for complaints data from 1st July to 31st December 2024
Historic UK complaints data