
Investment Banking – BBI PLC on-boarding Information

Investment Banking – BBI PLC on-boarding information

The following collection of documents should be used to support your KYC and other on-boarding requirements for Barclays Bank Ireland PLC (BBI). 

Documents contained within this section (Investment Banking - BBI PLC on-boarding information) will contain the most current publicly available information for BBI as at the time of publication. Please note that the BBI information provided on this website is subject to change and may be updated to reflect such changes. Any documents uploaded to this website will have an upload date, please contact us if you have any questions on the latest information. An overview of the current available financial statements and credit ratings for BBI can be found under "About Barclays Bank Ireland (BBI)" here. Please note this information is correct as at 31 January 2020, though the Standard Settlement Instructions (SSIs) will be updated as and when required. Please contact your usual relationship point of contact for further information