Our requirements of external suppliers
Barclays must effectively manage, monitor and mitigate risks in our supply chain. With that in mind, key risks in delivering goods and services to Barclays have been identified along with a set of control obligations which we expect suppliers to our organisation to adhere to.
We must also make responsible decisions that take our stakeholders’ needs into account in both the short and the long-term. We have therefore defined a suite of documents to drive the highest standards of conduct and enable us to be the most accessible bank.
Our External Supplier Control Obligations form part of our contractual agreement with suppliers. The relevant requirements are advised to potential suppliers during the tender process and again as part of the contracting process. Signing the Agreement signifies acceptance of them.
Barclays conducts an ongoing assurance programme to check adherence to the applicable obligations.
Our obligations have been translated into a variety of languages for your ease of use.
As one of the world’s largest financial service institutions, we understand that we need to lead by example in the way we do business. We seek to reinforce our business integrity by striving to improve the service that we provide, making responsible decisions in how we manage the business, and actively managing the social and environmental impact of what we do to help individuals, communities, businesses and economies progress and grow.
Our approach to the way we do business needs to be adopted by our suppliers when acting on behalf of Barclays. To ensure a common understanding of our approach which will help us collectively drive the highest standards of conduct, we have created our Third Party Code of Conduct, which details our expectations for Environmental Management, Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusion; and living the Barclays Values.
Third Party Code of Conduct - English (PDF 386KB)
Third Party Code of Conduct - Arabic (PDF 342KB)
Third Party Code of Conduct - Chinese (PDF 780KB)
Third Party Code of Conduct - French (PDF 379KB)
Third Party Code of Conduct - German (PDF 308KB)
Third Party Code of Conduct - Hebrew (PDF 381KB)
Third Party Code of Conduct - Italian (PDF 372KB)
Third Party Code of Conduct - Japanese (PDF 474KB)
Digital services and workplace tools must be designed and developed to be easy to see, hear, understand and use for all customers and colleagues, including people with disabilities. There is a legal requirement, commercial opportunity and moral imperative for ensuring that the one billion people with disabilities around the world are not left out or left behind from using our digital services.
Suppliers providing digital services (including software, websites, mobile apps, kiosks and digital communications) must ensure that their technologies comply with the most recent version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) AA level (i.e. WCGAG2.2 AA level as at October 2023).
Support and resources for suppliers:
- Barclays Digital Accessibility standard (PDF 0.65MB) - aligning to WCAG 2.2 AA Level
- Accessibility guide for suppliers (PDF 1.1MB) – if you’re new to what accessibility is and why it matters to Barclays
- Useful external accessibility resources – providing a curated set of useful resources for organisations starting their accessibility journey
- Disability in numbers (YouTube) – explainer video about the top 5 disability facts in the UK and beyond
For more information visit Accessibility at Barclays
A copy of the Construction Health & Safety Manual and Buried Service Requirements are available below:
More information
To submit an application to join the Barclays Supplier Marketplace, please visit barclays.supplierone.co/