Information about Barclays dividends
Everything you need to manage your Barclays shareholding
Information about Barclays dividends
Barclays Sharestore is a convenient way to hold your shares electronically without a share certificate
Useful forms to help you manage your Barclays shareholding and update your personal details
A secure, easy and convenient way to view your shareholding online
Designed to help you manage your Barclays shares your way
Guidance for individuals who are UK-resident shareholders in Barclays PLC
Information on American Depositary Receipts, including news, dividends, price history and company information
Answers to frequently asked questions
We want to reunite as many lost shareholders with their shareholding and unclaimed dividends as possible
Shareholders should be wary of any unsolicited investment advice and offers to buy shares at a discounted price
Download a copy of our Shareholder's privacy policy (PDF).
The Board recognises the importance of listening to, and understanding the views of our shareholders so that this information can be used to inform the Board’s decision making.
We are committed to protecting the information we hold about you. This Privacy Policy describes how, when and why we, Barclays PLC (“Barclays” or “we”), may use your information, as well as your rights in relation to this information.