Financial results
View our latest and all archived financial results announcements, including management presentations, webcasts, scripts and other supporting information.
The KPIs featured throughout this section are used to monitor our performance and progress – they are also linked directly to Executive Director remuneration. Further detail can be found in the Remuneration report in the latest Annual Report.
Our customers and clients
We aim to build trust and loyalty by offering innovative products and services with an excellent customer and client experience. We seek to understand our customers’ and clients’ expectations and aspirations, and develop products and services to support them – especially during difficult economic conditions.
* Excluding Gap Inc. customers
Our colleagues
Our colleagues are connected by a shared Purpose, Values and Mindset, and commitment to delivering to a consistently excellent standard. We strive to make Barclays a great place to work, empower colleagues to attain sustainable high performance and deliver strong results for stakeholders.
Δ 2023 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE 3410. Current limited assurance scope and opinions can be found within the ESG Resource Hub.
Our success is judged not only by our commercial performance but also by our contribution to society and the way we work together for a better financial future for all our stakeholders. Our focus on society falls broadly into three categories: Climate, Communities and Suppliers.
Δ 2023 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE 3410. Current limited assurance scope and opinions can be found within the ESG Resource Hub.
Our investor stakeholder group encompasses investors, rating agencies and other market participants with an interest in the financial performance of the Group.
1 KPIs reflect the targets and ambitions followed during 2023. On 20 February 2024, the 2023 Results Announcement set out refreshed targets and ambitions which future progress will be measured against. Please see page 13 for further detail, or home.barclays/strategy
2 Litigation and conduct in 2023: £37m, 2022: £1,597m, which includes £966m related to the Over-issuance of Securities and 2021: £397m.
Full details of our Performance Measures can be found in our latest Annual Report.
View our latest and all archived financial results announcements, including management presentations, webcasts, scripts and other supporting information.
Details of all our upcoming Barclays results and key financial events
All our Annual Reports are available to view online and download