

Nature and its ecosystem services fundamentally underpin economies and societies. Nature is intrinsically connected to our efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change, maintain healthy communities, and support productive, sustainable economies.

Industry collaboration and engagement

We believe collaboration and engagement across industry is essential to sharing learnings and having a successful nature-positive transition. Current and previous examples include:

  • Engagement with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) as a member of the TNFD Forum and through industry groups relating to the finalisation of TNFD recommendations and guidance.
  • Member of the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s (SMI) Financial Services Task Force (FSTF), including participation in working groups on the role of private finance in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). 

Nature action roadmap

These are some of the key nature milestones on our way to achieving our ambition to be a net zero bank by 2050. 


  • Published the World Heritage Sites and Ramsar Wetlands Statement


  • Published the Forestry and Palm Oil Statement


  • Published the Forestry and Agricultural Commodities Statement¹ including new financing restrictions for the Soy sector
  • Added restrictions for Arctic Oil and Gas to the Climate Change Statement


1 Formerly known as Forestry and Palm Oil Statement.   


  • Joined the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum


  • Initiated pilot TNFD LEAP2 assessment, led by United Nations Environment Programme – Finance Initiative, of the UK and European Food and Agriculture portfolios


2 Locate, Evaluate, Assess, Prepare.


  • Developed nature heatmap for key sectors
  • Disclosed credit exposures to nature priority sectors for the first time
  • Updated the Forestry and Agricultural Commodities Statement, including through addition of financing restrictions for South American beef
  • Co-led development of a Sustainable Markets Initiative paper on Financing Coastal Nature-based Solutions


  • Conducted TNFD LEAP assessments of the Mining and European Power portfolios
  • Conducted a Nature Exploratory Stress Test for Barclays Europe
  • Updated the Climate Change Statement, including through addition of financing restrictions for the Amazon Biome and biomass enhanced due diligence requirements  


  • Published the Protected Areas Statement3 to expand existing financing restrictions for project finance to include all Protected Areas and their buffer zones.  


3 Formerly known as World Heritage Site and Ramsar Wetlands Statement. 

Further information


ESG Resource Hub


Position statements